Mintbean UI Redesign


Mintbean is a website that focuses on helping software developers increase their skills through weekly online “hackathons”. Mintbean has tasked me with redesigning the website with the purpose of connecting new software developers with hiring managers.



Tools & Methods

Affinity Diagram

Comparative Analysis

Content Inventory

Style Guide



Usability Tests

Comparative Analysis & Content Inventory


By performing a comparative analysis I found that many websites provide user profiles but none of them are set up to be a professional portfolio. Few websites offer online hackathon events and this is Mintbean’s greatest strength.


Architecture Diagram

User Flow Architecture .png

Affinity Diagram

I created an architecture diagram to better understand the current layout of the Mintbean site. .

Primary User Interview Fly On The Wall Protocol

The first round of user interviews I performed were done with new software developers looking to break into the industry. The users informed us that they loved the idea of using Mintbean as a portfolio and that they found value in the hackathon comm…

The first round of user interviews I performed were done with new software developers looking to break into the industry. The users informed us that they loved the idea of using Mintbean as a portfolio and that they found value in the hackathon community.

I had the opportunity to attend and observe a Mintbean hackathon event. The event ran smoothly and there was high levels of user engagement.

I had the opportunity to attend and observe a Mintbean hack-a-thon event. The event ran smoothly and there were high levels of user engagement.


Developer Profile Sketches

Low Fidelity.png

I was tasked with creating the developer user profile for Mintbean. I based my low-fidelity sketches off of my comparative analysis and user interviews that my team conducted. The primary interviews informed us that developers feel uneasy about creating a professional portfolio and that they like the idea of using Mintbean as a means to get noticed by hiring managers.

Final High-Fidelity User Profile Mockup

User Profile.png

 After synthesizing my findings I created a new user profile prototype. I also assisted my team with developing a hiring manager flow, developer flow and redesigning the home page. A fully annotated wireframe can be found here.


Final Interactive Prototype

My team created an interactive prototype via Figma. We shared our findings and interactive prototype with Mintbean’s stakeholders and developers. We also provided a style guide to help the developers continue working on the site. Moving forward Mintbean has asked about adding a business partner user flow and incorporating training sessions on their site.

Mintbean Prototype.png